We are hopeless romantics & lake lovers who find great joy in creating and documenting connection and beauty wherever we go.
This Halloween Spiderman is making his neighborhood rounds in Allouez. This year I got lucky and Cole wanted a Spiderman costume he found on Amazon. Thank goodness too because my schedule was swamped and although I like to plan ahead and make time especially for sewing his costume. This year I just didn’t and felt […]
Did you hear that my dream is to one day own a tree farm? Going to the tree farm every year is easily our favorite family activity of the year. I was talking to a cousin last week and we both agreed the experience we had as children playing in the frozen creek, riding the hayride out to the fields, playing hide n’ seek between trees around the property (the secret to winning is building a team and having walkie talkies guys), excited to come across Grandma who had a bag full of fresh baked cookies (peanut butter with a hershey’s chocolate in the center or buckeye’s are my favorite, just in case you’re in the baking mood, wink) and gold fish crackers in individual bags for all 18 grandkids.
Kypton x Natalia are very special in our home. They were our first friends in Green Bay. Our first session with Natalia was when we celebrated this little cutie below being in her belly and she had just moved here from Arizona. What started as a Maternity Session turned into a friendship for both Cole & I. We’ve had many lunch & play dates with the boys and they have became best little buddies.
Sunken gardens, peonies, statues, a gazing pool, & much more around this tranquil estate. I snapped a few photos of our nephews and Cole playing throughout the gardens, a few of Troy’s Mother who the kids call Gigi with two of her Grandson’s, and a few of my Sister-In-Law Amy with her sweet family of four.
Cole got a major surprise when we stepped onto the trolley and he was greeted by Mrs. Claus and she invited him to sit and chat with her while we rode around town a few times. Later we stopped into Santa’s Workshop where Santa was put back by Cole saying his big want this year was a stop sign, lol! Probably hasn’t heard that from a 5 year old before. Cole wants a stop sign for his bedroom, so everyone knows it’s his zone only. A 5 year old needing privacy, what is my life going to be when he’s 13. Please send help! We had a good long conversation with Santa, snapped a Norman Rockwell esk photo and headed back home with good cheer in our hearts and being belted out of our lungs to holiday tunes all the way home.
Every year, since before I was born my parents have taken me to the tree farm. Since we have continued this tradition with our own little family we have fallen in love with the Wisconsin pine & fir trees. This year we decided to try a new farm, one on the way to my Dad’s house that we have been eyeing all year.