We are hopeless romantics & lake lovers who find great joy in creating and documenting connection and beauty wherever we go.
We're The Helgesons and we are so happy you're here. This blog is a journal about our lives, travels, and photography. Stay a while and say hello!
A few weeks ago Troy’s parent’s also know as Gigi & Poppy visited us and they brought along Grandma Weeks. It was the first time Troy’s Grandma has been able to come visit us here in Wisconsin and we were so glad to have her. The first two days the trio visited we spent our time on a little mini getaway in Door County. We enjoyed shopping our favorite lakeside stores including…..
White walls – having white walls can help in many ways starting with it being a pleasing & clean background in your images. They reflect clean neutral light into the room and onto your skin which is an important element, so we love as much of that as we can get. Let’s be honest not a single person wants puke green walls in their wedding gallery.