We are hopeless romantics & lake lovers who find great joy in creating and documenting connection and beauty wherever we go.
We're The Helgesons and we are so happy you're here. This blog is a journal about our lives, travels, and photography. Stay a while and say hello!
Here we are celebrating another year of holiday festivities starting with Whispering Pines Tree Farm. If you’ve been following along for awhile you probably know how obsessed I am with tree farms. I have dreamed of having my own tree farm for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, this is another year not living […]
Did you hear that my dream is to one day own a tree farm? Going to the tree farm every year is easily our favorite family activity of the year. I was talking to a cousin last week and we both agreed the experience we had as children playing in the frozen creek, riding the hayride out to the fields, playing hide n’ seek between trees around the property (the secret to winning is building a team and having walkie talkies guys), excited to come across Grandma who had a bag full of fresh baked cookies (peanut butter with a hershey’s chocolate in the center or buckeye’s are my favorite, just in case you’re in the baking mood, wink) and gold fish crackers in individual bags for all 18 grandkids.
Every year, since before I was born my parents have taken me to the tree farm. Since we have continued this tradition with our own little family we have fallen in love with the Wisconsin pine & fir trees. This year we decided to try a new farm, one on the way to my Dad’s house that we have been eyeing all year.
When I raise the shade to see a yard full of pines covered in a blanket of fluffy white snow my eyes light up just the same as when I were little. I come to life. I become the equal age to my child and we dart out the door. Usually forgetting boots and coat…to much excitement to remember things of such little importance. We have things to do.