Playing in the leaves in the fall is an absolute must for this little man. He begs until we rake the leaves, piles them high, and jump in them together. He even helps rake, so it’s a win for us too! The light this evening was absolutely stunning. The fall colors illuminate the yard around us as the sun sets. We basked in the light as long as we could tonight and soaked up every minute of Cole laughing and having a blast playing in the leaves. He had such a magical time.
As photographers, we try to be present as much as possible with Cole so that we get to enjoy the little things. And much as we want to be present we try to remember to photograph a few images so we have these memories forever. These are certainly memories we hold dear and want to hold on to for life.
At this age, we can’t get enough of our sweet boy. He’s majorly into Jake & The Neverland Pirates, Daniel Tiger, his Ford Truck cozy coupe, and falling asleep on Mama. Naps are non-existent, he eats healthy like a champ, has a sunny disposition, and is the light of our whole world. We wish time would just slow down a tiny bit, so we could savor this age a little longer.

See us play in the leaves again next fall. And so many more photos, personal and our photography.
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