This little cuteness has graced our studio with her spunky sweet personality yet again. I absolutely love photographing this little miss and it seems like she doesn’t mind hanging out with me either. This cake smash session was a great way to celebrate her first birthday. She loved tearing the cupcake apart and playing with it and it was so fun to watch her just have the time of her life.
Just this girl pulling apart the unicorn piñata and smashing it against the wall
We started with a few shots of her and her big sister, then a quick portrait of her looking all sweet in her white dress. Then we let her at the cupcake and we all had a good giggle watching her squish, throw, and taste the cupcake. Pulling apart the unicorn piñata, smashing it against the wall, and cuddling with the unicorn warmie we gifted her were among other favorites of our time spent together.
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve photographed a cake smash and this was the first one in our home photography studio here in Green Bay, so this was an absolute treat. We just love that people are willing to share their adorable children with us! We love watching families and children grow!

Okay, miss model! This reminds me of a baby magazine cover! She’s living her best life, cupcake in hand and pearls around her neck! She’s classy and spunky! I just love this girly!

A little taste of birthday cake never hurt no one!

Do you think she enjoyed all those sprinkles & cake or the actual cake smash more?

The aftermath of this sweet angels cake smash session

Shop this look: Rainbow banner | Unicorn Piñata | Balloons | Cupcakes & Cookies
From our collection: Wooden Cake Stand Stool | Pink Cupcake Stand | Pink Romper & Pearls
Not ready for the cuteness to end?? Keep the adorable-ness going by heading over to the Onesti girls Valentines session.
Looking for the cutest clothing for your own babe’s cake smash? H&M has some of the best styles I’ve seen.
The Helgesons Green Bay cake smash session was a hit.
First birthday sessions can take place in our home studio or outdoors on location.
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