I love when we head out the door to spend the whole day doing nothing but relaxing on the beach and playing. We stopped at the store and loaded our bags with snacks to create a charcuterie board for our Door County beach picnic. We visited various Door County beaches and Lautenbach’s Cherry Orchard to see the cherry blossoms for Mother’s Day weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather along the lakeshore.
A Mothers beauty through the eyes of her child
Cole and I will only be this age once and for a short time longer. These days I find myself longing for longer years and slower days. I want to lay here and snuggle him forever. I want to start over and do it all again. He’s such a precious child, giving me a daily gift of being his Mama.
I handed my sweet boy my camera. I find myself doing this more and more these days. He stuns me every time. With little direction other than reminding him to utilize back focus and set a few basic settings, we created a space for him to have a complete artistic endeavor.
A lovely sunset and a picnic on the beach with my sweet boy
We had such a fantastic day having a Door County beach picnic! Our basket filled with our favorite vegan cheeses, fruits, nuts, prosciutto, olives, and drinks to enjoy on our favored Door County beach in Sturgeon Bay. After finding a cozy spot near the water, we laid out our blankets and soaked up what sun was left in the sky before watching a lovely sunset together. The waves slowly creeping up on the beach were peaceful, and we even wiggled our toes in the sand. While we munched our picnic dinner, we watched sailboats pass by in the distance. Once we finished eating, we took a stroll along the beach, picking up driftwood and chatting away. It was a perfect day, and I am so grateful for the quality time I spent with my sweet boy.
Door County Beach Picnic

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